Se encuentra ya disponible una nueva actualización para MLB The Show 18, el update 1.08 y el changelist es el siguiente:
Gameplay Improvements and Stabilizations:
- Adjustments made to the Plate Coverage Indicator.
- Increased pitch speeds within Diamond Dynasty (both Head to Head and Versus CPU games).
- Fix for a rare occurrence where the outfielder would not play a catch (or run over the ball) on firmly hit ground balls that get through the infield.
- Adjustments made to allow more user control for infielders on soft line drives just over their head. This allows users to break out and run for the ball, when they sometimes felt locked in.
- Fix for a rare issue where the catcher would come out of his cover position (covering home), not allowing branching throws to the plate when a runner is attempting to score.
- Fix for when user is unable to make free agent moves until free agency IV phase if the World Series ends on or before Oct 25th.
- Fixes for various low frequency consumer reported crashes.
- Several UI and art asset adjustments to add polish.
- Various other minor bug fixes and adjustments made throughout the game.
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